Saturday, September 8, 2007


My wife has been wanting to see some kind of show here since she first came with me for her first visit to the city a few months ago. In fact, it had grown to be a bit of a sore point due to the fact that during that and subsequent visits we had not yet managed to squeeze it in. It's not that I was lacking in motivation; I am as up for a trip to the theater as the next guy, even more so. I can probably appreciate the craft more than most -- I played Motel the Tailor in my high school production of Fiddler on the Roof, after all. And yet, I think somehow she still thought that I was trying to evade any chance of catching a performance, when in reality it was simply a matter of limited time and so many things to do.

Nevertheless, in the lull of activity between our arrival and the chore of moving into our permanent residence, this weekend seemed like a good opportunity finally to take in some theatrical entertainment. The planning was slightly more complicated at this point, since we now had also the tastes of a five-year-old to satisfy with our choice of stage fare, but we thought we could find something. We were originally thinking about Mary Poppins, but after a quick check I found that it was long, even for a musical -- over three hours. That would test even my attention span, so we looked for something else.

Little J has a fondness for catchy rhythms, and so we quickly converged on Stomp. Not too long, and it appeared to promise enough movement and action to keep him interested. After a fairly brief trip through the TKTS line, we had tickets in hand for 3:00PM in the afternoon.

The performance was at the Orpheum Theater. Little J loved it; he was on the edge of his seat the whole time and really got into all the clapping.

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